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Annual Camera Club Xmas party
On Dec 21st, 2022 the members of SMCC attended our annual Xmas PotLuck, hosted this year
by Cheryl and Larry Decker. The day provided beautiful weather.
As in prior years Penni Powell provided the group with an entertaining game that was sort of Question/Weird random answer.
These cellphone images were provided by several club members and are uneditted.
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Alan & Nyla
Group Gathering for Game
Jeanne Club's 2023 President
left - right, Frank, Greg, Sue, Bob, Harold, Alan
Cheryl our 2022 President, selfie
Penni, queen of games
Left - Right, Alan, Guard Dog, Elaine, Elaine's mom
Bar Squatters, Penni, Ed, Jim
Bob and Ron having a conversation
Noshing at the Counter
Hosts in the dining room